Exploring Emptiness | 2.Small prefixes | 3. Semantic profiles | 4. Constructional profiles | 5. Prefix variation | 6. Aspectual triplets | ![]() |
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Prefix | U- | |
Methodology | ![]() | |
iz- | ||
o(b)- | ||
ot- | ||
pere- | ||
pod- | ||
pri- | ||
raz- | ||
u- | ||
v- | ||
v(o)z- | ||
vy- | ||
Submeaning | Description | Example | Example gloss |
1. MOVE AWAY | Leave some place, become inaccessible, disappear from sight | On uexal iz Baku | He left Baku |
2. MOVE DOWNWARDS | Move smth down, also not intentionally | On uronil očki | He dropped his glasses |
3. CONTROL | Bring under control | Ja ugovoril ego sprygnut' | I persuaded him to jump down |
4. REDUCE | Lessen, make smaller, become less active | Ona umenšit rasxod gaza | She will reduce the consumption of gas |
5. HARM | Do harm to smb | Ja ego ub'ju | I will kill him |
6. PERCEIVE | Detect a sensorial input | Zver' ulovit èti zvuki | An animal will detect these sounds |
7. PLACE/FIT | Place smth/smb somewhere, pack | Sejčas ja uložu vešči | Now I will pack the things |
8. KEEP/SAVE | Save a position/quality of smth intact | Kto-nibud' ne uterpit i priedet | Someone will not resist the temptation and will come |
9. COVER COMPLETELY | Cover with smth bigger than the object covered | Ja ukroju tebja dvumja odejalami | I will cover you with two blankets |
10. DEPART FROM NORM | Change the normal features | Učastilis' slučai kraži veščej | Cases of theft became more frequent |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ubežat’ | run away | bežat’ | run | n |
ubrat’(sja) | remove; tidy up | brat’ | take | n/m |
udelit’ | give, spare, devote (attention) | delit’ | divide, share | m |
udrat’ | run away, make off | drat’ | run | n |
ugnat’ | drive away; steal | gnat’ | drive; urge (on), whip up | n |
uexat’ | ride away, leave | exat’ | ride, drive | n |
ujti | walk away | idti | go, walk | n |
ukatit’ | roll away, drive away | katit’ | roll, wheel | n |
ukonit’sja | avoid; turn off, aside | klonit’sja | bend, incline | n |
uletet’ | fly away | letet’ | fly | n |
umčat’(sja) | rush away | mčat’(sja) | rush, go at full speed | n |
umyt’(sja) | wash off | myt’(sja) | wash | m |
unesti(s’) | carry away; whirl away, fly away; travel (in thought) | nesti(s’) | carry; rush, fly | n |
uplyt’ | swim away | plyt’ | swim | n |
upolzti | crawl away | polzti | crawl | n |
uprjatat’ | hide away, banish | prjatat’ | hide | m |
urvat’ | snatch, grab | rvat’ | tear, rip | n |
uskakat’ | gallop away | skakat’ | gallop | n |
ustremit’sja | rush at, head for (away from) | stremit’sja | rush; strive for, seek | n |
utaščit’ | drag away | taščit’ | pull, drag | n |
uteč’ | flow away, pass | teč’ | flow | n |
uteret’(sja) | wipe off | teret’(sja) | rub | m |
uvesti | take away | vesti | conduct | n |
uvezti | take away | vezti | cart, carry, convey | n |
uvleč’(sja) | carry along, captivate, fascinate | vleč’ | drag; attract | n/m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ukrast’ | steal | krast’ | steal | m |
umotat’ | (coll.) escape, run away | motat’ | (coll.) escape, run away | n |
unasledovat’ | inherit | nasledovat’ | inherit | m |
uplatit’ | pay | platit’ | pay | m |
uterjat’(sja) | lose | terjat’(sja) | lose | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ukatat’ | make smooth by rolling | katat’ | roll | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
upast’ | fall | padat’ | fall | n |
uronit’ | drop | ronjat’ | drop | n |
utrambovat’ | press down in order to make smooth | trambovat’ | press down in order to make smooth | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ugovorit’ | persuade | govorit’ | speak | m |
uladit’(sja) | arrange, reconcile | ladit’(sja) | get on with; go well | m |
upravit’sja | cope with, manage, take under control | pravit’ | rule, govern, correct | m |
uprosit’ | prevail upon | prosit’ | ask | m |
usnut’ | fall asleep | spat’ | sleep | m |
usypit’ | put to sleep, lull | spat’ | sleep | m |
utešit’(sja) | comfort, calm down | tešit’(sja) | amuze, entertain | m |
uverit’(sja) | assure, convince, persuade | verit’(sja) | believe, trust | m |
uverovat’ | come to believe in | verovat’ | believe in | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ubajukat’ | lull to sleep | bajukat’ | lull to sleep | m |
upokoit’ | calm smb down | pokoit’ | calm smb down | m |
uregulirovat’ | regulate | regulirovat’ | regulate | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ubyt’ | diminish, decrease | byt’ | be | m |
uleč’sja | calm down (of storm or wind) | leč’ | lie down | m |
umerit’ | moderate | merit’ | measure | m |
urezat’ | cut down, reduce | rezat’ | cut | m |
useč’ | truncate | seč’ | cut, chop | m |
usoxnut’ | dry up, dry out | soxnut’ | dry | m |
utratit’ | lose | tratit’ | spend, waste | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ugasit’ | extinguish, put out, turn off light | gasit’ | extinguish, put out, turn off light | m |
ugasnut’ | go out (of fire) | gasnut’ | go out (of fire) | m |
umolknut’ | fall silent | molknut’ | fall silent | m |
utixnut’ | become quiet | tixnut’ | become quiet | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ubit’ | kill | bit’ | beat | m |
ujazvit’ | wound, hurt | jazvit’ | sting; say sarcastically | m |
ukorit’ | reproach with | korit’ | upbraid for, reproach with | m |
umeret’ | die | meret’ | die (in large numbers) | m |
umertvit’ | kill, destroy, mortify | mertvit’ | deaden | m |
uščemit’ | hurt by pinching | ščemit’ | press, pinch | m |
utomit’(sja) | wear out | tomit’(sja) | tire | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
udavit’(sja) | strangle | davit’(sja) | press upon, squeeze | m |
udušit’ | strangle | dušit’ | strangle | m |
ugrobit’ | ruin, destroy, wreck | grobit’ | destroy, ruin, wreck | m |
ukokat’ | kill | kokat’ | kill | m |
ukolot’ | prick; wound | kolot’ | prick; wound | m |
umorit’ | kill; exhaust, tire out | morit’ | exterminate; exhaust, tire out | m |
umotat’ | (coll.) exhaust | motat’ | (coll.) exhaust | m |
uparit’ | steam, overheat; exhaust | parit’ | steam, overheat; exhaust | m |
upret’ | sweat, rot from excess heat | pret’ | sweat, rot from excess heat | m |
uščipnut’ | pinch | ščipat’ | pinch | m |
utonut’ | sink, drown | tonut’ | sink, drown | m |
utopit’(sja) | drown | topit’(sja) | drown | m |
utrudit’ | overload with work | trudit’ | overload with work | m |
uvjanut’ | wither | vjanut’ | wither | m |
užalit’ | sting, bite | žalit’ | sting, bite | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
učujat’ | smell smth out | čujat’ | smell | m |
udelit’ | give, spare, devote (attention) | delit’ | divide; share | m |
ugadat’ | guess right, divine | gadat’ | guess | m |
ugljadet’ | spot (with the eyes) | gljadet’ | look at | m |
ulovit’ | detect | lovit’ | try to catch | m |
usledit’ | keep an eye on, mind, manage to follow | sledit’ | watch, follow | m |
usmotret’ | keep an eye on; interpret as | smotret’ | look at | m |
uznat’ | recognize, find out | znat’ | know | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ulicezret’ | see smth with own eyes | licezret’ | see smth with own eyes | m |
urazumet’ | comprehend, understand | razumet’ | comprehend, understand | m |
uslyšat’(sja) | hear | slyšat’(sja) | hear | m |
uslyxat’ | hear | slyxat’ | hear | m |
uvidat’(sja) | see; see one another | vidat’(sja) | see; see one another | m |
uvidet’(sja) | see; see one another, be seen as | videt’(sja) | see; see one another, be seen as | m |
uzret’ | see, behold | zret’ | see, behold | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
uleč’sja | lie down in | leč’ | lie down | n |
uložit’(sja) | pack away; put to bed; fit in, within (about time) | klast’ | lay | n/m |
usadit’ | seat | sažat’ | seat | n |
ustroit’(sja) | arrange, settle down | stroit’(sja) | build | m |
uvjazat’ | tie up, pack up; coordinate | vjazat’ | tie, bind | n/m |
užit’sja | get on with sb | žit’ | live | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ukomplektovat’ | complete with all necessary parts, equip with | komplektovat’ | complete with all necessary parts, equip with | m |
upakovat’ | pack up | pakovat’ | pack | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ubereč’(sja) | protect against, keep safe | bereč’(sja) | take care of | m |
uderžat’(sja) | hold, not let go | deržat’(sja) | hold | n |
ukorenit’sja | take, strike root | korenit’sja | be rooted in | n |
ukrepit’(sja) | strengthen, become firmly established | krepit’(sja) | strengthen | n |
umolčat’ | remain silent about | molčat’ | be silent | m |
uperet’(sja) | rest, lean (against); bump into (an obstacle) | peret’ | push, press | m |
upomnit’ | remember | pomnit’ | remember | m |
usidet’ | remain sitting | sidet’ | sit | n |
ustanovit’sja | be established, be fixed | stanovit’sja | become, stand | n |
ustavit’sja | direct, fix one’s gaze upon | stavit’ | put, place | n |
ustojat’(sja) | remain standing; settle, become fixed | stojat’ | stand | n/m |
uterpet’ | restrain oneself | terpet’ | suffer, undergo | m |
utverdit’(sja) | fix, establish; confirm in | tverdit’ | repeat by saying | m |
uvjazat’sja | dog (someone’s footsteps) | vjazat’sja | nag | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ugnat’sja | keep up with, keep pace with | gnat’sja | keep up with, keep pace with | m |
utait’ | keep secret | tait’ | keep secret | m |
uvjaznut’ | get stuck | vjaznut’ | get stuck | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ukryt’(sja) | cover up; give shelter | kryt’ | cover | n |
usejat’ | sow with; cover | sejat’ | sow | n |
ustavit’ | cover a surface with objects | stavit’ | put, place | n |
ustlat’ | cover with a cloth | stlat’ | lay (a cloth) | n |
usypat’ | cover by strewing | sypat’ | strew | n |
uvešat’ | cover by hanging objects | vešat’ | hang | n |
uvit’ | twine all over | vit’ | twist, wind | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ukutat’(sja) | wrap | kutat’(sja) | wrap | n |
umotat’ | reel, wind over | motat’ | reel, wind over | n |
upakovat’ | wrap | pakovat’ | wrap | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
učastit’sja | become more frequent, quicken | častit’ | do something rapidly, frequently | m |
udvoit’(sja) | double, reduplicate | dvoit’(sja) | divide in two, appear double | m |
umudrit’(sja) | teach, make wiser; contrive (iron. do something which might easily have been avoided) | mudrit’ | complicate matters unnecessarily | m |
uravnjat’(sja) | equalize, make equal | ravnjat’(sja) | make even, treat equally | m |
uxitrit’sja | manage to, contrive to | xitrit’ | use cunning, guile | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
učinit’(sja) | make happen, commit, cause ( a scene) | činit’(sja) | make happen, commit, cause ( a scene) | m |
učudit’ | act in an unexpected way | čudit’ | act in an unexpected way | m |
udovol’stvovat’sja | satisfy | dovol’stvovat’sja | satisfy | m |
umnožit’(sja) | multiply; increase | množit’(sja) | multiply; increase | m |
unavozit’ | fertilize | navozit’ | fertilize | m |
usoveršenstvovat’(sja) | perfect | soveršenstvovat’(sja) | perfect | m |
usovestit’(sja) | put to shame, make aware of shame | sovestit’(sja) | put to shame, make aware of shame | m |
ustaret’ | grow old | staret’ | grow old | m |
uvenčat’(sja) | crown, mark, be crowned with | venčat’(sja) | crown | m |