Exploring Emptiness | 2.Small prefixes | 3. Semantic profiles | 4. Constructional profiles | 5. Prefix variation | 6. Aspectual triplets | ![]() |
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Prefix | IZ- | |
Methodology | ||
iz- | ||
o(b)- | ||
ot- | ||
pere- | ||
pod- | ||
pri- | ||
raz- | ||
u- | ||
v- | ||
v(o)z- | ||
vy- | ||
Submeaning | Description | Example | Example gloss |
1. OUT OF A CONTAINER | Cause smth/smb to leave a location (container) | Gospod' izgnal ix iz raja | The God banished them from paradise |
2. EMPTY A CONTAINER | Retrieve smth from a container so that the container gets empty | Amerikanec isčerpal svoi argumenty | The American ran out of arguments |
3. EXHAUSTIVE RESULT | Reach a complete irreversible result | Za tri mesjaca on ispisal dve tetradi | In three months he used up two notebooks |
4. EXHAUST A SURFACE | The action affects the whole surface of an object | Koty sil'no ego iscarapali | The cats scratched him all over |
5. NEGATIVE EXHAUSTION | An object is exhaustively damaged by the action | Vasilij izbil do smerti byvšego zjatja | Vasilij beat his former son-in-law to death |
6. CREATE AN IMAGE ON A SURFACE* | An image appears as a result of the action | - | - |
7. MAKE OUT OF | Create by giving shape to a raw material | On izvajal statuju ženy | He made a sculpture of his wife |
8. DECLINE/DEVIATE | Curve a straight object | Telo eë izognulos' | Her body bent |
9. ACQUIRE | Gain smth from someone | On isprosil blagoslovenie | He asked and obtained blessing |
10. ENDURE* | Resist hard conditions | - | - |
* According to our findings the prefixes vy- and iz- share the same radial category. However the prefix iz- does not have any verbs in two of the submeanings within this radial category. These meanings are listed in the list of submeanings, but are not shown on the diagram and are not ascribed to any verbs.
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
iscelit’(sja) | cure | celit’ | give treatment | m |
ispit’ | have a drink of | pit’ | drink | n |
ispravit’(sja) | correct | pravit’(sja) | correct | m |
istolkovat’ | interpret, comment on | tolkovat’ | interpret | m |
izbežat’ | avoid | bežat’ | run | m |
izbrat’ | choose, select | brat’ | take | n |
izgnat’ | banish | gnat’ | chase | n |
izlovit’ | catch out | lovit’ | try to catch | n |
izvinit’(sja) | excuse | vinit’ | accuse | m |
izvleč’ | extract, take out of | vleč’ | drag | n |
izyskat’ | find, search out | iskat’ | search | n |
izžit’ | get rid of | žit’ | live | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
izlečit’(sja) | cure | lečit’(sja) | treat | m |
izmenit’(sja) | change | menjat’(sja) | change | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
isčerpat’ | run out of | čerpat’ | scoop | m |
isteč’ | lose blood; expire (of time) | teč’ | flow | n/m |
izlit’ | express | lit’ | pour | m |
izložit’ | express | klast’ | lay | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ispisat’ | write all over, using up all paper or ink | pisat’ | write | m |
istlet’ | rot, reduce to dust | tlet’ | rot | m |
izgotovit’sja | get prepared, ready | gotovit’sja | prepare | m |
izorvat’ | tear all up into pieces | rvat’ | tear | m |
izučit’ | make a thorough study of an issue | učit’ | study | m |
izvedat’ | experience, get to know | vedat’ | know | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
iskromsat’ | cut to pieces carelessly | kromsat’ | cut to pieces carelessly | m |
iskrošit’(sja) | crumble up, chop up | krošit’(sja) | crumble, chop | m |
iskupat’(sja) | bathe | kupat’(sja) | bathe | m |
ispeč’(sja) | bake | peč’(sja) | bake | m |
isprobovat’ | try | probovat’ | try | m |
istoloč’ | pound to powder | toloč’ | pound to powder | m |
istopit’ | heat, light and keep fire | topit’ | heat, light and keep fire | m |
istratit’(sja) | spend, waste | tratit’(sja) | spend, waste | m |
istupit’(sja) | blunt | tupit’(sja) | blunt | m |
izbalovat’ | pamper, spoil a child | balovat’ | pamper, spoil a child | m |
izmel’čat’ | become small | mel’čat’ | become small | m |
izmel’čit’ | make small, granulate | mel’čit’ | make small, granulate | m |
izmerit’ | measure | merit’ | measure | m |
izrasxodovat’(sja) | spend all of | rasxodovat’(sja) | spend | m |
izžarit’(sja) | roast, fry | žarit’(sja) | roast, fry | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
iscarapat’ | scratch all over | carapat’ | scratch | m |
istoptat’ | trample all over | toptat’ | trample | m |
izryt’ | dig up all over | ryt’ | dig | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
ispačkat’(sja) | soil, stain all over | pačkat’(sja) | soil, stain | m |
ispakostit’ | stain all over | pakostit’ | stain | m |
ispolosovat’ | cover with welts | polosovat’ | cover with welts | m |
izgvazdat’sja | soil, stain all over | gvazdat’sja | soil, stain | m |
izmarat’(sja) | smear all over | marat’(sja) | smear | m |
izmazat’(sja) | smear all over | mazat’(sja) | smear | m |
izrešetit’ | cover with holes | rešetit’ | cover with holes | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
iskusat’ | bite all over | kusat’ | bite | m |
isterzat’ | tear the whole thing to pieces | terzat’ | torment, tear | m |
izbit’ | beat up | bit’ | beat | m |
izmotat’(sja) | wear out, make exhausted | motat’(sja) | wind, reel | m |
iznosit’(sja) | wear out | nosit’(sja) | wear | m |
izranit’ | wound all over | ranit’ | wound | m |
izvesti(s’) | waste; wear self out; poison, kill smb | vesti’ | lead | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
iskalečit’(sja) | cripple | kalečit’(sja) | cripple | m |
ispepelit’ | incinerate | pepelit’ | incinerate | m |
isportit’(sja) | spoil | portit’(sja) | spoil | m |
ispugat’(sja) | scare | pugat’(sja) | scare | m |
istočit’ | eat away, spoil | točit’ | eat away, spoil | m |
istomit’(sja) | tire, torment | tomit’(sja) | tire, torment | m |
istrepat’(sja) | fray, tear; become shabby | trepat’(sja) | fray, tear; become shabby | m |
istruxljavet’ | moulder | truxljavet’ | moulder | m |
izdoxnut’ | die (of animals) | doxnut’ | die (of animals) | m |
izmjat’(sja) | crumple all over | mjat’(sja) | crumple all over | m |
izmučat’(sja) | torment | mučat’(sja) | torment | m |
izmučit’(sja) | torment | mučit’(sja) | torment | m |
izmytarit’(sja) | torment, harass | mytarit’(sja) | torment, harass | m |
iznasilovat’ | rape | nasilovat’ | rape | m |
izurodovat’(sja) | cripple, disfeature | urodovat’(sja) | cripple, disfigure | m |
izuvečit’(sja) | maim, mutilate | uvečit’(sja) | maim, mutilate | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
izgotovit’ | make out of | gotovit’ | prepare | n |
izvajat’ | sculpt out of | vajat’ | sculpt | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
izlovčit’sja | contrive, do smth cunning | lovčit’ | contrive, act cunningly | m |
izognut’(sja) | bend out, crook | gnut’ | bend | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
iskorežit’(sja) | bend, warp | korežit’(sja) | bend, warp | m |
iskoverkat’ | distort, mangle | koverkat’ | distort, mangle | m |
iskrivit’(sja) | bend, distort | krivit’(sja) | bend, distort | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
isprosit’ | obtain by asking | prosit’ | ask | m |
istrebovat’ | claim, demand according to legal right | trebovat’ | demand | m |
10. ENDURE: Not attested |