Exploring Emptiness | 2.Small prefixes | 3. Semantic profiles | 4. Constructional profiles | 5. Prefix variation | 6. Aspectual triplets | ![]() |
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Prefix | POD- | |
Methodology | ||
iz- | ||
o(b)- | ||
ot- | ||
pere- | ||
pod- | ||
pri- | ||
raz- | ||
u- | ||
v- | ||
v(o)z- | ||
vy- | ||
Submeaning | Description | Example | Example gloss |
1. APPLY TO BOTTOM | The action affects the lower surface of an object | Ona podstavila pod stol dve taburetki | She put two stools under the table |
2. HORIZONTAL APPROACH | Move towards smth along a horizontal surface | Noč'ju sobaka podkralas' k dače | At night the dog sneaked up to the cottage |
3. ADJUST | Make smth fit, match | Ona podobrala akkordy k pesne | She picked out suitable chords for the song |
4. INCREMENT | Add | Olga podlila sebe čaju | Olga poured herself more tea |
5. SECRETLY | Do something secretly | Ona podsypala jadu v Savvin stakan | She poured poison into Savva’s glass |
6. MINIMAL | Perform an action with a low intensity, or not to the end | Sneg podtajal i spolz vniz | The snow melted a bit and came down |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
podbit’ | beat from underneath (repair a sole; bruise) | bit’ | beat | n |
podbodrit’ | cheer up | bodrit’ | cheer | m |
podčinit’(sja) | subordinate to, subject to, place under command | činit’(sja) | carry out, execute, cause | m |
podderžat’ | hold from underneath, support, maintain | deržat’ | hold | n/m |
podkačat’ | make a mess (of things), let one down | kačat’ | swing | m |
podkosit’ | cut down at the bottom | kosit’ | mow, cut | n |
podkrepit’(sja) | support, fortify, recruit (with good food and drink) | krepit’(sja) | fix, strengthen | m |
podmjat’ | crush, trample down; subordinate to | mjat’ | crumple | n/m |
podobrat’(sja) | pick up, tuck up (hair), make one tidy | brat’(sja) | take | n/m |
podognut’ | bend under | gnut’ | bend | n |
podorvat’(sja) | undermine, blow up, blast placing the bomb at the bottom | rvat’(sja) | tear | n |
podperet’ | prop up | peret’ | push, press | n |
podpisat’(sja) | sign | pisat’(sja) | write | n |
podpolzti | creep up under | polzti | creep, crawl | n |
podsadit’ | help someone mount a horse (from underneath) | sažat’ | seat | n |
podšit’ | sew underneath; file (papers) | šit’ | sew | n |
podstavit’ | place under; let one down | stavit’ | place | n/m |
podstraxovat’(sja) | insure, support | straxovat’(sja) | insure | m |
podsvetit’ | light from beneath | svetit’ | light | n |
podtjanut’(sja) | pull up to, haul up to | tjanut’(sja) | pull, drag | n |
podtverdit’(sja) | confirm, corroborate | tverdit’ | repeat | m |
podvesit’ | hang up, suspend | vešat’ | hang | n |
podvesti | place at the bottom; let one down | vesti | lead | n/m |
podvjazat’ | tie up | vjazat’ | tie | n |
podžat’ | draw under | žat’ | press, squeeze | n |
podžeč’ | set fire to smth from underneath | žeč’ | burn | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
podfartit’ | bring luck, get lucky | fartit’ | bring luck, get lucky | m |
podkovat’ | shoe (a horse) | kovat’ | shoe (a horse) | n |
podmesti | sweep (a floor) | mesti | sweep (a floor) | n |
podytožit’ | sum up | itožit’ | sum up | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
podbežat’ | run up to | bežat’ | run | n |
podkatit’ | roll up to, drive up to | katit’ | roll | n |
podkrast’sja | sneak up to | krast’sja | sneak | n |
podletet’ | fly up to, rush up to | letet’ | fly | n |
podnesti | bring up to | nesti | carry | n |
podognat’ | chase, drive up to | gnat’ | chase, drive | n |
podojti | walk up to | idti | go, walk | n |
podozvat’ | call up to, beckon | zvat’ | call | n |
podplyt’ | swim up to, sail up to | plyt’ | swim | n |
podpolzti | creep up to | polzti | crawl | n |
podtaščit’ | drag up to | taščit’ | drag | n |
podtjanut’(sja) | pull up to | tjanut’(sja) | pull | n |
podvesti | bring up to (leading) | vesti | lead | n |
podvezti | bring up to, transport, give a lift up to | vezti | cart, convey | n |
Natural Perfectives: not attested
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
poddelat’ | fake, forge | delat’ | do | m |
podobrat’(sja) | select, pick | brat’(sja) | take | m |
podognat’ | adjust to, fit to | gnat’ | chase | m |
podojti | match, fit | idti | go, walk | m |
podstroit’(sja) | adjust (oneself) to, fit to | stroit’ | build | m |
podygrat’ | play into someone’s hand | igrat’ | play | m |
podyskat’ | seek out, find the one | iskat’ | search | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
podgotovit’(sja) | prepare, get ready for | gotovit’(sja) | prepare, get ready for | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
podkrasit’(sja) | tint, touch up (make up) | krasit’(sja) | paint | m |
podlit’ | add to (by pouring) | lit’ | pour | m |
podrabotat’ | earn additionally | rabotat’ | work | m |
podrezat’ | cut off in addition to | rezat’ | cut | m |
podsadit’ | fit in (extra people in addition) | sažat’ | seat | m |
podsolit’ | add more salt to | solit’ | salk | m |
podstroit’ | add on (e.g. a porch to a house) | stroit’ | build | m |
podsypat’ | add to (by strewing) | sypat’ | strew | m |
Natural Perfectives: not attested
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
podbit’ | incite | bit’ | beat | m |
poddelat’ | fake, forge | delat’ | do | m |
podgovorit’ | incite | govorit’ | talk | m |
podoslat’ | send to, dispatch (on a secret mission) | slat’ | send | m |
podslušat’ | eavesdrop on, overhear | slušat’ | listen | m |
podsmotret’ | spy on | smotret’ | watch | m |
podstroit’ | arrange, play a trick on | stroit’ | build | m |
podsypat’ | add, pour in secretly | sypat’ | pour, strew | m |
Natural Perfectives: not attested
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
podmёrznut’ | get a little frozen | mёrznut’ | freeze | m |
podogret’ | warm up, heat up | gret’ | warm | m |
podoždat’ | wait for a little while | ždat’ | wait | m |
podportit’ | spoil slightly | portit’ | spoil | m |
podpravit’ | cosmetize, tweak, make fine adjustments | pravit’ | correct | m |
podrasti | grow slightly | rasti | grow | m |
podrezat’ | clip, trim (of hair) | rezat’ | cut | m |
podsoxnut’ | get dry a little | soxnut’ | dry | m |
podstrič’(sja) | trim (hair, beard, nails) | strič’(sja) | cut | m |
podtajat’ | thaw a little | tajat’ | thaw | m |
podtjanut’(sja) | tighten a little (e.g. a belt) | tjanut’(sja) | pull | m |
podžarit’ | fry slightly | žarit’ | fry, roast | m |
Natural Perfectives: not attested