Exploring Emptiness | 2.Small prefixes | 3. Semantic profiles | 4. Constructional profiles | 5. Prefix variation | 6. Aspectual triplets | ![]() |
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Prefix | PERE- | |
Methodology | ||
iz- | ||
o(b)- | ||
ot- | ||
pere- | ||
pod- | ||
pri- | ||
raz- | ||
u- | ||
v- | ||
v(o)z- | ||
vy- | ||
Submeaning | Description | Example | Example gloss |
1. TRANSFER | Change location often by crossing spatial or metaphorical borders | Ja pereplyl rečku | I swam across the river |
2. SUPERIORITY | Excel, surpass smth | One pereborola soblazn | She resisted the temptation |
3. OVERDO | Do smth redundantly | Nastya šči perersolila | Nastya oversalted the shchi |
4. REDO | Do smth again | Mixalkov perepisal staryj tekst | Mikhalkov re-wrote the old text |
5. DURATION / OVERCOME | Get over smth, spend a certain amount of time doing smth. Transfer in time | Ona perebolela grippom | She recovered from the flu |
6. BRIDGE | Extend an object across a gap | Nataša i ee mat' perebintovali ego rany | Natasha and her mother put bandages over his wounds |
7. TURN OVER | An action causes an object to turn about its own axis | On perelistal anketu | He turned over the pages of the questionnaire |
8. MIX | Intermingle | Provoda pereputalis' | The wires got mixed up |
9. DIVIDE | The action results in partition, separation | On pererezal verevki | He cut across the cords |
10. SERIATIM | Many objects are subjected to the action | Ona perepugala vsex nas | She scared us all |
11. THOROUGH | The object is intensely affected | Oni perepačkali ego sguščenkoj | They stained him all over with condensed milk |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perebežat’ | run across | bežat’ | run | n |
perebrat’sja | get across, over | brat’(sja) | take | n |
pereexat’ | cross; move to a new place | exat’ | drive, ride | n |
peregnat’ | transfer, drive; (chem., tech.) distil, sublimate | gnat’ | chase, whip up (an animal), drive hard (a vehicle); distil | n/m |
peregruzit’ | trans-ship, load from A to B (e.g. from a train to a ship) | gruzit’ | load | n |
perejti | cross, go over | idti | go, walk | n |
perekočevat’ | migrate over | kočevat’ | migrate | n |
pereletet’ | fly over | letet’ | fly | n |
perelezt’ | climb over | lezt’ | climb | n |
perelit’ | pour somewhere else, decant | lit’ | pour | n |
perenesti(s’) | carry somewhere else, transport | nesti(s’) | carry; rush | n |
perepisat’ | copy | pisat’ | write | n |
pereplyt’ | swim across, sail across | plyt’ | swim | n |
perepravit’(sja) | convey, transport, take across | pravit’ | drive, steer | n |
pererabotat’ | convert into | rabotat’ | work | m |
pererasti | grow into, develop into, turn into smth stronger | rasti | grow | m |
peresadit’ | transfer, transplant, make one change a seat | sažat’, sadit’ | make smb sit; plant | n |
pereseč’ | cross (the road), traverse | seč’ | cut | n |
pereselit’(sja) | move, resetttle | selit’(sja) | settle | n |
pereslat’ | send, forward | slat’ | send | n |
peresoxnut’ | dry out, become parched | soxnut’ | dry (intransitive) | m |
perestavit’ | move somewhere else | stavit’ | put, set | n |
peretaščit’ | drag over, move, shift | taščit’ | drag | n |
peretjanut’ | pull, draw somewhere else; attract, gain support of | tjanut’ | draw, pull | n/m |
perevalit’(sja) | transfer across | valit’(sja) | throw down | n |
perevesit’ | hang somewhere else | vesit’ | hang | n |
perevesti(s’) | take across, transfer, shift; translate; switch the job or class; convert currency; transfer money | vesti(s’) | lead | n/m |
perevezti | take across, transport, convey | vezti | cart, convey | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
peremenit’sja | change, become different | menjat’sja | change, become different | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
pereborot’ | master | borot’ | struggle, fight | m |
peregnat’ | outpace, leave behind | gnat’ | rush | m |
perekričat’ | outshout | kričat’ | shout | m |
perekryt’ | break a record, beat (of cards) | kryt’ | cover | m |
pererasti | outgrow, overtop, outstrip in height | rasti | grow | m |
peretjanut’ | outweigh, outbalance | tjanut’ | draw, pull | m |
perevesit’ | outweigh, outbalance | vesit’ | weigh | m |
perexitrit’ | outwit, outsmart | xitrit’ | use cunning | m |
perežit’ | outlive, live longer than smb | žit’ | live | m |
Natural Perfectives: not attested
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perebrat’ | take in excess | brat’ | take | m |
peregnut’(sja) | go too far | gnut’(sja) | bend | m |
peregruzit’ | overload | gruzit’ | load | m |
pereigrat’ | overact | igrat’ | play, act | m |
pereletet’ | fly too far, overshoot the mark | letet’ | fly | m |
perelit’ | let overflow, pour too much | lit’ | pour | m |
perepolnit’ | overfill, overcrowd | polnit’ | fill | m |
pererabotat’ | work too long | rabotat’ | work | m |
pererasti | to be too old or big for | rasti | grow | m |
peresidet’ | out-sit, outstay; sit too long | sidet’ | sit | m |
peresolit’ | oversalt | solit’ | salt | m |
perespat’ | oversleep | spat’ | sleep | m |
perestarat’sja | overdo, put too much effort into smth | starat’sja | try, make an effort | m |
peresušit’ | overdry | sušit’ | dry (transitive) | m |
peretjanut’ | pull in too tight | tjanut’ | pull | m |
perevarit’ | overcook | varit’ | cook | m |
Natural Perfectives: not attested
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perebintovat’ | put a new bandage on | bintovat’ | bandage | m |
perebit’ | re-upholster; beat up again (a pillow; feather-bed) | bit’ | beat | m |
perebrat’ | turn over in one’s mind | brat’ | take | m |
perečitat’ | re-read | čitat’ | read | m |
peredelat’ | redo | delat’ | do | m |
peredumat’ | rethink, change one’s mind | dumat’ | think | m |
pereigrat’ | play again | igrat’ | play, act | m |
pereimenovat’ | rename | imenovat’ | name | m |
perekrasit’ | re-dye, re-paint, re-color | krasit’ | paint | m |
perekryt’ | re-cover | kryt’ | cover | m |
perelit’ | recast a metal object | lit’ | cast | m |
perepečatat’ | reprint | pečatat’ | print out | m |
perepisat’ | rewrite | pisat’ | write | m |
pereplesti | braid again, plait again | plesti | plait, braid | m |
perepravit’ | correct | pravit’ | correct proofs | m |
pererabotat’ | re-make, re-cast, re-shape | rabotat’ | work | m |
peresmotret’ | re-consider, change opinion | smotret’ | look | m |
perestroit’(sja) | rebuild, reconstruct, re-shape | stroit’(sja) | build | m |
peretjanut’ | stretch again | tjanut’ | stretch | m |
perevarit’ | cook again | varit’ | cook | m |
perevesit’ | weigh again | vešat’ | weight smth | m |
perevjazat’ | knit again | vjazat’ | knit | m |
perezvonit’ | call again | zvonit’ | call, ring | m |
Natural Perfectives: not attested
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perebolet’ | recover, become well again | bolet’ | be ill | m |
peregoret’ | burn out, fuse; burn through | goret’ | burn | m |
perespat’ | spend the night | spat’ | sleep | m |
pereterpet’ | suffer through to the end | terpet’ | suffer, endure | m |
perevarit’ | digest | varit’ | cook | m |
pereždat’ | wait through | ždat’ | wait | m |
perežit’ | live through, experience | žit’ | live | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perenočevat’ | spend the night | nočevat’ | spend the night | m |
perezimovat’ | spend the winter | zimovat’ | spend the winter | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perebintovat’ | put a bandage over | bintovat’ | bandage | n |
peredraznit’ | ape, mimic | draznit’ | tease | m |
peregnut’(sja) | bend over | gnut’(sja) | bend | n |
peregovorit’ | discuss, talk over (the phone) | govorit’ | talk | m |
perevjazat’ | put a bandage over | vjazat’ | tie | n |
perezvonit’ | call back | zvonit’ | ring, call | m |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perekrestit’(sja) | to make the sign of the cross over | krestit’(sja) | to make the sign of the cross over | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perekosit’ | warp, distort | kosit’ | twist, squint | n |
perelistat’ | turn over pages | listat’ | turn pages | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perelicevat’ | turn inside out (of clothing) | licevat’ | turn inside out (of clothing) | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
peremešat’(sja) | intermingle, shuffle | mešat’(sja) | mix | n |
pereplesti(s’) | interweave | plesti(s’) | weave | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
pereputat’(sja) | entangle, mix up | putat’(sja) | entangle, mix up | n/m |
peretasovat’ | shuffle (cards) | tasovat’ | shuffle (cards) | n |
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perebit’ | interrupt; intercept (cross someone’s path); break (e.g. a leg) | bit’ | beat | n |
peregorodit’ | partition off, barrier | gorodit’ | partition, fence | n |
perekryt’ | close, cut off, dam (a river) | kryt’ | cover | n |
perelomit’(sja) | break in two, fracture | lomit’(sja) | break | n |
pererezat’ | cut across | rezat’ | cut | n |
pereryt’ | dig across | ryt’ | dig | n |
pereseč’(sja) | cut off | seč’(sja) | cut | n |
Natural Perfectives: not attested
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
perebit’ | break (all the dishes); slaughter | bit’ | break; beat | m |
perebolet’ | have had many diseases | bolet’ | be ill | m |
perebrat’ | sort out, look through | brat’ | take | m |
perečitat’ | read (all the books) | čitat’ | read | m |
peredelat’ | finish everything one had to do | delat’ | do | m |
peregovorit’ | out-talk, talk about everything | govorit’ | talk | m |
pereigrat’ | play (all the games) | igrat’ | play | m |
perekosit’ | mow all of, a large area of | kosit’ | cut, mow | m |
perekrasit’ | paint all of | krasit’ | paint | m |
perelomat’ | break all of | lomat’ | break | m |
perepisat’ | make a list of all that is present | pisat’ | write | m |
pereprobovat’ | taste, try many things | probovat’ | try, taste | m |
perepugat’ | frighten many people | pugat’ | frighten | m |
pererezat’ | slaughter all of | rezat’ | cut, slaughter | m |
pereseč’ | flog, beat all | seč’ | flog, beat | m |
peresmotret’ | have seen all (e.g. movies) | smotret’ | look, watch | m |
perestreljat’ | shoot all of (e.g. people), use up all ammunition | streljat’ | shoot | m |
Natural Perfectives: not attested
Lemma | Gloss | Base | Base gloss | n/m |
peredumat’ | do a great deal of thinking | dumat’ | think | m |
perepačkat’ | stain all over | pačkat’ | stain, make dirty | m |
perepugat’(sja) | frighten thoroughly | pugat’(sja) | frighten | m |
pereryt’ | dig up | ryt’ | dig | m |
perevesti(s’) | destroy, exterminate; spend, use up in vain | vesti | lead | m |
Natural Perfectives: not attested