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Here you can find the list of the relevant publications written by project participants:
Lashevskaja O.N., Sharoff S.A.
Chastotnyj slovar’ sovremennogo russkogo jazyka (na materiale Nacional’nogo
Korpusa Russkogo Jazyka) [Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary Russian based on the RNC data]. Moscow, Azbukovnik.
Baydimirova, Anna.
Prototypicality in the Semantic Structure of the Russian Prefix ZA-. In Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics, Proceedings of the XIth International Conference, Romania, Constantza, 2009. Kazan State University Press. Ed. V. Solovyev, M. Chernyshov, V. Polyakov - Kazan State University: pp. 128-140.
Janda, Laura A. and Tore Nesset.
Taking Apart Russian RAZ-. Slavic and East European Journal 54:3 (2010), pp. 476-501.
Janda, Laura A. and Tore Nesset.
Paradigm structure: evidence from Russian suffix shift. Cognitive Linguistics 21:4 (2010), pp. 699-725.
Nesset, Tore, Laura A. Janda and R. Harald Baayen.
Capturing Correlational Structure in Russian Paradigms: a Case Study in Logistic Mixed-Effects Modeling. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 6 (2010), pp. 29-48.
Janda, Laura A.
Prefixed Perfectives from Non-Determined Motion Verbs in Russian”, In: Viktoria Driagina-Hasko and Renee Perelmutter, eds. New Approaches to Slavic verbs of motion (= Studies in Language Companion Series 115). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2010. pp. 125-140.
Kuznetsova, Julia.
The phone makes us scream: corpus study of English and Russian. Oslo Studies in Language (OSLa) 2010; Volume 2. pp. 347-364.
Makarova, Anastasia.
Eksperimental’noe issledovanije russkix semelfaktivov // Materialy XXXIX Mezhdunarodnoj filologičeskoj konferencii 15-20 marta 2010 g. Psikholingvistika / T.V. Chernigovskaya (chief ed.). St Petersburg, Filologičeskij fakultet SPbGU, 2010, pp. 37-41.
Nesset, Tore.
Why not? Prototypes and blocking of language change in Russian verbs, in Cognitive Linguistics in Action: From Theory to Application and Back. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2010, pp. 125-144.
Nesset, Tore.
Suffix shift in Russian verbs: a case for markedness? Russian Linguistics 34.2, 2010, pp. 123-138.
Sokolova S., Lewandowski, W.
Constructional Profile of the Verbal Prefix ZA-: A Comparative Study of Russian and Polish. In A. Grønn & I. Marijanovic (eds.): Russian in Contrast, Oslo Studies in Language 2(2), 2010, pp. 365-391.
Sokolova S.
Metaphor and Construction Grammar: Metaphorical Extensions of the Russian Locative Alternation Verb GRUZIT' 'load'. The Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Science. Book of Abstracts. Tomsk: Tomskij gosudarstvennyj universitet. Volume 1. pp. 97-98.
Baydimirova, Anna.
Russian Aspectual Prefixes O, OB, OBO: A Case Study of Allomorphy. MA Thesis, University of Tromsø. (PDF)
Sokolova, Svetlana.
Osobennosti semantiki i predposylki produktivnosti pristavki za- v sovremennom russkom jazyke. (Semantic peculiarities and productivity preconditions of the prefix za- in modern Russian). In the Proceedings of the International Academic Symposium Slavic Languages and Cultures in the Modern World, Moscow: MAKS Press, 2009. pp. 129-130. (PDF)
Kuznetsova, Julia.
Semanticheskie i strukturnye svojstva uslovnoj kvaziimperativnoj konstrukcii. In: Korpusnye issledovaniya po russkoj grammatike. Moscow: Probel 2009 pp. 314-335
Kuznetsova, Julia; Rubinshtejn, Marija.
Chto takoe konstrukcii i kak ix vydeljat'. In: Lingvistika dlja vsex. Letnie lingvisticheskie shkoly 2007 i 2008. Moscow: MCNMO 2009. pp. 223-227
Kustova, Galina; Lyashevskaya, Olga; Paducheva, Elena; Rakhilina, Ekaterina.
Verb taxonomy: from theoretical lexical semantics to practice of corpus tagging. In Studies in Cognitive Corpus Linguistics. Peter Lang Publishing Group 2009 pp. 41-56
Lyashevskaya, Olga; Kuznetsova, Julia.
Russkij FrejmNet: k zadache sozdanija korpusnogo slovarja konstrukcij. In Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference "Dialogue". Issue 8 (15). Moscow: RGGU 2009. pp. 306-312
Nesset, Tore.
Metonymy of Aspect/Aspects of Metonymy. Scando-Slavica 2009; Volume 55. pp. 65-77
Janda, Laura Alexis.
Totally normal chaos: The aspectual behavior of Russian motion verbs. Harvard Ukrainian Studies 2009;; Volume 28. pp. 183-193
Janda, Laura Alexis; Dickey, Stephen M.
Xoxotnul, sxitril: The relationship between semelfactives formed with -nu- and s- in Russian. Russian Linguistics : International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language 2009; Volume 33.(3) pp. 229-248
Janda, Laura Alexis; Makarova, Anastasia.
Do It Once: A Case Study of the Russian -ну- Semelfactives. Scando-Slavica 2009; Volume 55. pp. 78-99
Sokolova, Svetlana.
The Confusing System of Negative Pronouns: Russian vs. English. Jazyk kak instrument ponimanija i neponimanija: russko-amerikanskije lingvisticheskie i kul’turnyje sopostavlenija (Language as a Tool of Understanding and Misunderstanding: Russian-American Linguistic and Cultural Comparisons). М.: RGGU, 2008. 117-124.
Petrukhina E. V., Sokolova, Svetlana.
Voprosy grammatikalizacii v sovremennom russkom jazyke (The Issues in Grammaticalization in Modern Russian). In Problemy funkcional’noj grammatiki: kategorizacija semantiki (Problems of Functional Grammar: the categorization of semantics). St.Petersburg: “Science” (ed. A. V. Bondarko). St.-Petersburg, 2008.
Sokolova, Svetlana.
Ob odnom sluchaje leksikalizacii v sisteme russkih mestoimenij. (“On One Case of Lexicalization in the System of Russian Pronouns”). In Izvestija Ural’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Ural State University Messenger), Ekaterinburg, Humanities, vol. 15. pp. 181-187. - ISSN 1817-7166.
Lyashevskaya, Olga.
Inkorporacija i ekskorporacija v glagol'nom upravlenii: imena chastej tela. In Instrumentarij russistiki: korpusnyje podxody. Helsinki: University of Helsinki 2008. pp. 198-216
Lyashevskaya, Olga; Rakhilina, Ekaterina.
Ontologija leksiki v Nacional'nom korpuse russkogo jazyka: obzor i poiskovyje vozmozhnosti. In Slavjanskoe jazykoznanie/ XIV Mezhdunarodnyj s``ezd slavistov. (Oxrid, 10-16 September 2008). Доклады российской делегации. Moscow: Indrik 2008.
Lyashevskaya, Olga; Sharoff, Sergey.
Chastotnyj slovar' Nacional'nogo korpusa ruskogo jazyka: koncepcija i technologija sozdanija. In Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue”. Issue 7 (14). Moscow: RGGU 2008. pp. 345-351
Toldova, Svetlana; Kustova, Galina; Lyashevskaya, Olga.
Semanticheskije fil'try dlja razreshenija mnogoznachnosti v Nacional'nom korpuse russkogo jazyka: glagoly. In Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue”. Issue 7 (14). Moscow: RGGU 2008. pp. 522-529
Nesset, Tore.
Ob’’jasnenie togo, čto ne imelo mesto: Blokirovka suffiksal’nogo sdviga v russkix glagolax. Voprosy jazykoznanija 2008 pp. 35-48
Nesset, Tore.
PATH and MANNER: An Image-Schematic Approach to Russian Verbs of Motion. Scando-Slavica 2008; Volume 54. pp. 135-197
Nesset, Tore; Janda, Laura Alexis; Lyashevskaya, Olga; Sokolova, Svetlana; Kuznetsova, Julia; Makarova, Anastasia.
Why poslushat’, but uslyshat’?. Poljarnyj Vestnik 2008 pp. 38-46
Janda, Laura Alexis.
Motion Verbs and the Development of Aspect in Russian. Scando-Slavica 2008; Volume 54. pp. 179-197
Janda, Laura Alexis.
Semantic Motivations for Aspectual Clusters of Russian Verbs. In American Contributions to the 14th International Congress of Slavists, Ohrid, September 2008. Slavica Publishers 2008. pp. 181-196
Janda, Laura Alexis; Korba, John J.
Beyond the pair: Aspectual clusters for learners of Russian. Slavic and East European Journal 2008; Volume 52.(2) pp. 254-270
Janda, Laura Alexis.
Metonymy via Perfectivization of Russian Verbs. Slavica Helsingiensia 2008; Volume 35. pp. 77-85
Janda, Laura Alexis.
Aspectual clusters of Russian verbs. Studies in Language 2007;; Volume 31.(3) pp. 607-648
Janda, Laura Alexis.
What makes Russian Bi-aspectual verbs Special. In Cognitive Paths into the Slavic Domain. Mouton de Gruyter 2007. pp. 83-109
Janda, Laura Alexis.
A Metaphor for Aspect in Slavic. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 2006; Volume 44-45. pp. 249-260
Janda, Laura Alexis.
A metaphor in search of a source domain: the categories of Slavic aspect. Cognitive Linguistics 2004; Volume 15.(4) pp. 471-527
Janda, Laura Alexis.
A user-friendly conceptualization of Aspect. Slavic and East European Journal 2003; Volume 47.(2) pp. 251-281
Janda, Laura Alexis.
The conceptualization of events and their relationship to time in Russian. Glossos 2002; Volume 2.
Janda, Laura Alexis.
Concepts of Case and Time in Slavic. Glossos 2002; Volume 3.
Nesset, Tore.
Iconicity and Prototypes: A New Perspective on Russian Verbs of Motion. Scando-Slavica 2000; Volume 46. pp. 105-119